
Sunday, 30 July 2017

You just want attention, you don't want my heart

Dear SL...
Sometimes my favourite thing is just to take some time to sit alone and look up at the stars at night. The best reflection and comfort comes this way for me.
It is than easy to remind yourself that no matter what you are going through, There is a whole big universe out there and what we are is small compared. I find it humbling.
I felt this was a good bases for this blog.

Blog look #275

Skin: Atelier Pepe - Ashley - (July Powder Pack)
Hair: TRUTH - Tori - (Group Gift July)
Mesh Head: CATWA - Bento HEAD
Eyelashes: [okkbye] - Evanescent Eyelashes (CATWA)

Body Suit: Blueberry - Daisy - Jumpsuit

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud
Collar: REIGN. - Tattoo Choker Necklace (Deathly) - BLACK
Hair Flowers: TRUTH - (Part the hair at Uber event)

Pose/s: [addme.] - Pose#084-4
Stars: {anc} - milkyway field - {coldpack} - @TMD
Pet: (fd) - Cat - 11 Sitting - (Gacha) - (Past Arcade Event Item)
Build: {vespertine} - spring rainy days skybox - w/backdrop.

A good place to start is always with a gift and Truths July gift will make everyone happy. Like their normal releases, It has a multi-styler hud and i personally love how this hair is modelled. This hair has some face framing and curls that can be seen no where else but in the true Truth style designs.
The group is not free to join but at 350L, It is a small price to pay for a brand that releases gifts every month and also of such high quality.

Blueberry is one of my all time top designers on the grid. Not only because of the products but because the Blueberry team, From designer to every staff are amazing.
I wanted to show this amazing body suit that has recently been released. In a style only Blueberry can produce, This body suit has a butt to rock any pixels world.
The design of the suit itself is sexy and sleek, There are so many colours offered and even more when you purchase the fatpack for exclusive and lets be honest, Who doesnt want to fatpack Blueberry releases?
Blueberry has also heard and worked on feedback on the cutie booty option, This is a all new and improved version included. This set also comes in a top version and can be worn with all Blueberry latest released bottoms.
This is a main store release, So what are you waiting for?

Reign is always my go to for shoes and i couldnt go pass their release at this rounds N21. These shoes come in a fatpack for one low price and has a hud of many colours to pick.
I love the overall glamorous style of these heels and they fit perfectly with the outfit.

Ok time for me to go back to gazing at the stars and for you to go check out all these releases. Have fun.

Music of the moment:  This song rings so true, It hurts. 
Attention - Charlie Puth

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

Saturday, 29 July 2017

My thoughts they slip away

Dear SL...
Sometimes life is bitter sweet and throws so many things at you. I like to think that for the most part it is things we can handle and there are purposes for it.
A mix of this thought pattern and items produced this month, Produced the picture below.

Blog look #274

Skin: more more. - yume skin - RARE1 - milk - (Gacha)
Hair: TRUTH - Margarita - @Uber
Mesh Head: CATWA - Bento HEAD
Eyelashes: [okkbye] - Evanescent Eyelashes (CATWA)
Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. - / Mesh Ears\ -  LITTLE STAR
Makeups: [Pink Fuel] - Powder Pack March - (Queen Palette) - (Eye Shadow)
[Buzz] - Velvet Lips - Epiphany Exclusive - @Epiphany

Body Suit: Violent Seduction - Ume Hime Corset - (Black) - @Epiphany

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud
Collar: Violent Seduction - Erebus Collar - (Black) - (Gacha)
Scarf: Violent Seduction - Ume Hime Scarf - (Black) - @Epiphany
Shoes: Violent Seduction - Ume Hime Shoes - (Black) - @Epiphany

Pose/s: (Personal Pose Loony made for me.)
Sword: Violent Seduction - Ume Hime Tanto - (Black) - (Gacha) - @Epiphany
Pets: *katat0nik* - (spooky) - Cloud Dragon - (Gacha) - (Past Arcade Event Item)
Flowers: [Black Bantam] - Windy Pom Pom Flower - Red - (Gacha)
[Black Bantam] - Windy Pom Pom Flower - White - (Gacha)
Build: anxiety - %polarize

I was so inspired by the Violent Seduction release for Epiphany earlier this month. This is such a elegant styled set and comes with breath taking details such as the flowers.
There are huds that come with the rares that are colour change variants and there are various colours in this set.
I also added on a exclusive lipstick makeup that can be gotten at Buzzuri's gacha area, With Epiphany points.

Truth released a new hair at Uber this round and it is so pretty. It is a slight wave style with long tresses falling just to the waist. It also comes with a colour change flowers for the side of the hair but as you can see that is a attachment option. As usual it has the mutli-styler hud and i opted for the style that had one side tucked behind the ear.

This is pretty much the whole inspiration behind this blog and just the feeling of bitter sweet and beautiful life.
I am sorry again for the lack of written words upon this blog but this flu is really got a hold that it wont let go of and i am in need of rest.
Hope you all enjoyed this post and are also inspired to check out these designers and events.
Until next time happy shopping.
Music of the moment:  Can't tell you how much i love this song and the singer! Birdy!!!
Wings - Birdy

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

Thursday, 27 July 2017

I used to believe love conquered all

Dear SL...
My body is still working through this flu, I am sorry if my posts are a little lacking in my detailed writing but its hard to think in this condition.
However my creative styling are still here and there are so many beautiful items to be seen.
I went with a soft, Sensual feel for this blog and i am so happy with how it turned out.

Blog look #273

Skin: Atelier Pepe - Ashley - (July Powder Pack)
Hair: #taketomiWEST - Aishwarya
Mesh Head: CATWA - Bento HEAD
Eyelashes: [okkbye] - Evanescent Eyelashes (CATWA)

Shirt: Addams - Cerisse Bohemian Bra
Pasties: erratic - crystal pasties - hearts
Jeans: Blueberry - DWL Jeans - Full Ripped

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud

Pose/s: Body Language - Fine Sand A
Bed: Scarlet Creative - The Arcade Carriage Day Bed - (Gacha) - (Past event item)
Ivy: [DDD] - Twinkling Ivy - Wall
Pets: +Half-Deer+ - Birbies - Banilla Bean - (Gacha) - (Past Arcade event item)
+Half-Deer+ - Birbies - Bunnikeet - (Gacha) - (Past Arcade event item)
Cages: Scarlet Creative - The Arcade Jun 17 - Daisy Bird Cage Golden - (Gacha) - (Past event item)
Scarlet Creative - The Arcade Jun 17 - Daisy Bird Cage Aged - (Gacha) - (Past event item)
Lanterns: DRD - 9 - Garden Party - Light Poles - (Gacha)
Build: BUENO - Stone Skybox - RARE - (Gacha) - (Past event item)

Taketomi is one those hair stores, That as soon as you see the hair you know its them. They have this style that is unique to them and one thing i really do love about them is that often there is also a added accessory that goes with the release that you cant help but be inspired by.
They of course have the multi-styler system and with this hair, It also has a hud that allows you to change up the gem accessory. This hair is simply gorgeous and one you need.

I also have been waiting until i had a spare moment to show off these recently released Bluebery jeans. For you Blueberry fans, You all probably own them, However did you fatpack them? Because you really needed too....You ask me why? Because a long with the normal fatpack exclusive, Blue also has many more emoji and patterns to be seen.
For those who dont know this brand, It is one to be hoarded, The butt on these jeans should convince you of that!
Blue is the queen of butts in the world of Secondlife.

I wanted to also point out a couple more items on my blogged list today and those are this BEAUTIFUL and stunning bra/top by Addams. Although it was released a while ago, some more modest girls may have over looked it. However with it comes a cover top not shown above or like me you can check out the erratic pasties to solve this issue. Because this set is not to be missed. The detail alone is to die for and OMG its just breath taken.

I find it hard with skins in Secondlife and as most will see in my posts i either tend to stick with one for a long time or i change every other post but than go back to a familiar one. I love so many skin brands but sometimes i have the issue of feeling bored or not right in them. Luckily my favourite skin stores are always releasing and this gem from Atelier Pepe from July Power pack is just perfect.
There was so many in this months Powder Pack to be happy about.

As this month comes to and end, I have a lot to be happy about including my birthday that has just past and my friends/family that make everything worth much more.
Its time for me to contemplate my next blog and for you all to go spend those lindens on these amazing designers. Have fun and see you soon.

Music of the moment:  I just can't help but love her and her music.
Someone Else - Miley Cyrus

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Promise me you’ll not let us be like them

Dear SL...
I am really sick in Real Life, So with that said this is going to be a quick blog post.
I can barely function to type, Sorry if my rambling makes less sense than usual.

Blog look #272

Skin: CURELESS [+] - d.Stramonium Skin
Hair: +Spellbound+ - Nocturnal
Mesh Head: CATWA - Bento HEAD
Eyelashes: [okkbye] - Evanescent Eyelashes (CATWA)
Tattoo Layer: CURELESS[+] - Hyaku Monogatari (v.2)

Dress: CURELESS[+] - Yokai Chronicles / Shrine Maiden Outfit - RARE - (Gacha) - @Epiphany
Add On: CURELESS[+] - Yokai Chronicles / Shrine Maiden Skirt - RARE - (Gacha) - @Epiphany

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud
Dolls: CURELESS[+] - Yokai Chronicles / Hina Dolls on Arms - RARE - (Gacha) - @Epiphany
CURELESS[+] - Yokai Chronicles / Hina Dolls on Back - RARE - (Gacha) - @Epiphany

Pose/s: (Part the skybox)
Glitter: {anc} - milkyway field - {coldpack} - @TMD
Mist: {anc} - mist cloud - [sungold]
Build: Sari-Sari - Puppet Skybox - @Kagami 2017

This blog is inspired by Cureless, Her releases and imagination helps to get my own creative thoughts going.
I loved the set released at Epiphany and while the dolls that are crawling on my avatar are slightly on the creepy side, I really like them. The outfit itself has a lot of detail and add on parts that make it all come together. There are also many more parts to this set that are items you will want to see.

Spellbound is back and with some new releases, Shows us why we all missed her so much.
They have two new releases and above is one of them. They now have the multi styler hud with them and gives the option in this style to have a hat or no hat.
They have completely over hauled their look, From the huds to the sim itself and all of it is a must see. Check it all out asap, As these hair styles are not to be missed.

As i said short and sweet post today but once my brain can function again without this flu, I will make up for it.
Have fun shopping and i will be back soon.

Music of the moment:  I just really like this song.
Another Beautiful Mistake - Hannah Triggwell

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

Friday, 21 July 2017

Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you

Dear SL...
I think we are all romantic at heart. We all grow up watching those impossible movies with fairy tale style lives and relationships.
As unrealistic experience has taught me that this is, There is always that hope.

Blog look #271

Skin: Lara Hurley
Hair: #taketomiWEST - Esha
Mesh Head: CATWA - Bento HEAD
Eyelashes: [okkbye] - Evanescent Eyelashes (CATWA)

Dress: Blueberry - Ime - Lace Dress - Single Color

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud
Head Piece: (Part of the hair)
Body Chain: Blueberry - #19 - Body Chain - Gold

Pose/s: FOXCITY. - Flowers Bento Pose Set
Flowers: [ keke ] - wild crocus white . many
Vines: Soy. - Super long Hanging Hedera
Glass Hearts: [ keke ] - glass hearts - gold
Gold Jars: dust bunny - lighted jar .
Glitter: {anc} - Confetti. float - [gold]
Build: Scarlet Creative - Atlas Resort Pool

Blueberry released this amazing lace dress as a main store release. I just simply love it. It is so cute.
The fatpack hud allows for colour change parts as well as exclusive patterns.
I really love that stores like Blueberry do main store releases, You can tell that the designer loves their creating. I must tell you all that Blue the owner of the store is so lovely and deserving of your linden loving.

Reign also released these pretty heels, I like these straps that weave there way up the legs and with the hud options that Reign is known for. Its really the perfect match for those cute dresses and summer time fun.

Taketomi a way of releasing unique styled hairs and this one is no different. As soon as i placed this hair on i knew it was something special.
This hair comes with a style hud that allows for changing of the gem colours and hideing of the jewel all together.

I felt like the most beautiful boho/gypsy style girl, it all come together perfectly and now i have the perfect feel for a romantic evening....So with that, Have fun shopping and i hope you all keep that little impossible hope a live.

Music of the moment:  Who doesnt love some Ed.
Happier - Ed Sheeran

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

To keep you from the sun

Dear SL...
I am so sorry for my lack of posts recently but i have been so busy with event management that i have barely had time for anything else.
I did however fine a small amount of time to get this blog done and it makes me long for the beach weather.

Blog look #270

Skin: Lara Hurley
Hair: TETRA - Cherry Hair - (Was featured at Hair Fair)
Mesh Head: CATWA - Bento HEAD
Eyelashes: [okkbye] - Evanescent Eyelashes (CATWA)
Tattoo Layer: Izzie's - Wet Body & Face - @SummerFest

Bikini: Blueberry - Adrianna - Bikini - @C88

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud
Head Piece: Blueberry - Dream Girl - Exclusive - Tiara - Gold - (Can only be gotten with Epiphany points)
Necklaces: Kibitz - Jeanie necklace - gold - @Kustom9
Rings: **RE** - Amira Rings - (Gacha) - @Epiphany

Pose/s: FOXCITY. - Beach Bunny - 5 - (At an event)
LUXE. - Selma Poses - @Kustom9
Chair: {vespertine} - noemi rattan lounger -w/deco-brights colors/pg - @C88
Pet: JIAN - Scruffy Shepherds - 13. Sleepy Pup - (Gacha) - (Past event item)
Net: dust bunny - volleyball net . deco only - @SummerFest
Sea Shells: [ keke ] - beach rubble . seashells - @The Home Show
Drink: dust bunny - pineapple drink

The Hair Fair has just ended and if you missed out on those wonderful hairs like the one above by Tetra, I am sure they will be in store soon.
Tetra has beautiful hair textures unique to the brand and i really love them. The hair themselves are beautifully meshed and i am a huge fan. Is there anything this designer cant do?

Blueberry joined in on the summer fun and produced this gorgeous swimwear at the Collabor88 event.
It has many colour change options within the huds and also allows for some exclsuive ones as always in the fatpack. Having this bikini set on made me feel elegant and like i was one those girls ready for a photo shoot or a music video.

With all this going on i decided that a simple but pretty necklace set was needed and found the perfect thing in the Kibitz release at this round of Kustom9. This set comes with four attached necklaces, However if you are like me and like one of them and wish you can edit parts and make some of it invisible.

Also a must visit on the grid is the new Epiphany July round, This gacha event is one not to be missed and i fell in love with the Real Evil rare ring set. This set has a hud that allows you to change some options and even hide some.
I also adored the tiara by Blueberry, So much detail went into this item and i feel like royalty when i have it on.

KeKe is keeping it really sweet with her smaller decore releases and she released these pretty shell set as part of a collection for The Home Show event. I love things like this because it gives so much detail to a area. If you are in need of that kinda thing look no further than KeKe.

Lastly but not least, SummerFest is almost over and its everything that is summer on the grid. If you havent been this is your last chance. I personally would go just to pick up this perfect wet looking tattoo layer by the one and only Izzie's. It has options for most and also comes with a shine and no shine style. Perfect for those pool parties and wet looking photos.

Now i am off to relax a bit before i have to get back to working on upcoming events and blogs but you all have fun shopping.

Music of the moment:  This song is everything!
Four Walls - Bastille

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Cause you've got a heart of gold

Dear SL...
Sailor Moon, Need i say more?
I love this fandom and collect it in real life and now Secondlife as well.
I am always envious of those who can cosplay so well they look like the character come to life.
Guess this is also a beauty of Secondlife and i feel so cute! Not to mention magical.

Blog look #269

Skin: [PF] - Sabine
Hair: .Olive. - the Moonie Hair - @The Crystal Heart Festival
Add-On: .Olive. - the Moonie Hair - Swirl Pigtails - @The Crystal Heart Festival
Mesh Head: CATWA - Bento HEAD
Eyelashes: [okkbye] - Evanescent Eyelashes (CATWA)
Makeups: [PF] - CATWA Eyeshadow - Queen Palette - (In a past Powder Pack box item)
The Horror! - Bebe - Unicornio Highlighters - (Gacha) - (Past Arcade Item)

Dress: Violent Seduction - Cosmos Senshi - @The Crystal Heart Festival

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud
Clips: Violent Seduction - Cosmos Hairclips - @The Crystal Heart Festival
Bindi: .Olive. - the Heart Gem Moon Bindi - (Past event item but can be gotten at TCH) - @The Crystal Heart Festival

Pose/s: SLC Body Language - Crystal Heart S - Pose Hud - @The Crystal Heart Festival
Butterflies: [ keke ] - butterflies dancing - white
Petals: anc - PetalRain - Pink
Tree: HPMD* - Garden Tree09 with Lights - pink b
Grass: HPMD* - Sweet Garden Grass08 -pinkMix- a
Rock: Studio Skye - Mushroom Rocks

Crystal Heart Festival opened up at the start of this month and i am afraid i have been that busy, I havent had a chance to post about it yet.
However i am glad this is my first post as i think it came out amazing and really captured the essence of magical feeling i was going for.
Lets talk about this Olive hair for a moment. This hair is very whimsical and in true sailor moon style.
Olive offers all her usual hair colour huds and the base bun style but than also offers many other add-ons for the hair. These included the wind blown wrap around style piggy tails. Now it is worth saying to change the add-on hair colour you do need to purchase the base hair.
I also wanted to rave about this beautifully crafted outfit also released at the Crystal Heart Festival.
It comes in many colours including those inspired by the sailor moon team traditional colours and even a rainbow one. However the pink one just spoke to me.
The details on this dress alone are just breath takeing and it does come with an equally gorgeous staff. (Not pictured above.)

The event has everything from outfits to decore and even some poses to inspire. Body Language released a set of cute outfit and accessories, As well as some pose huds and even a AO rare hud.

This event is not only sailor moon, However it does have a heavy influence. But if you are a fan of the over all magical girl theme, This event is for you.

Many have asked about the heart bindi by Olive and it has not been available at main store as of yet after its initial release at an event, However it was placed in the Crystal Heart Festival booth.

Keke has always been known for the chic and delicate decore items on the grid and the dancing butterflies fit right in.
These are so pretty with the sparkles grouped within the butterflies themselves. This was released at the main store and are perfect to make that garden a little more magical.

That is all i have to share for now and i am off to save Secondlife, One pixel at a time....Have a magical time and see you back here soon.

Music of the moment:  I love this song, Plain and simple.
Periscope - Paparoach ft Skylar Grey

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

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