
Friday, 21 February 2020

There ain't nothing like you in this world

Dear SL...
So its been a while... Sorry about that.
I have changed my avatars look about a million times since i have been back in Secondlife. While i loved my various looks i could never be completely happy with her look, As somthing always felt a little off.
Until now (or at least for now) i am not saying i will not change her again as i am a skin and over all SL shopping addict.
However i really love my new look and feel it is more me (her persona).
I hope you like her too.

Blog Look #135

Skin: Glam Affair
Hair: DOUX - Mineko Hairstyle
Eyes: Buzzuri
Ears: ^^Swallow^^ - Pop Pixie Ears Left (protruding)
Mesh Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001
Tattoo: *Rainbow Sundae* - Senpai's Love Tattoo

Top: TETRA - Off-shoulder leather jacket
Pants: Blueberry - Unbothered - Pants - Classic Version

Nose Ring: .ARISE. - Nose Ring - Gold
Nose Stud: Amala - The Lover Nose Stud

Pose/s: FOXCITY. - GG Confetti (Group Gift)

KraftWork - Noir

I want to get back into the groove of blogging as my real life has taken over way too much at this point and i need to find some balance.
So in saying that lets get into the details of how this look came together.
Lately i have been reflecting on how far i have come in Secondlife and what i use to like as well as look like. As a person who blogs and shops a lot, It means i am forever evolving my look plus this means my avatar.
But when you do this over and over sometimes you seem to loose your self identity (which seems weird but it does happen, At least to me.)
This means i wanted for this look back on how i use to be/ When i use to be most myself and happy but with a new outlook and twist.

Doux has quickly taken Secondlife by storm and when you run around the grid you will see this brand on every second person. I cant blame them, This is one my favourite hair brands.
Doux excels at flowing alpha hairs with multi stylers hud as long as you buy the delux verson as well as the basic hud.
For this look Doux styled my hair in a strong flowing long straight hair, making it feel very model sleek.
I knew i wanted a more edgy look as i only just got to the girly colour phase through many sessions of peer pressure from my Elide. I still have the go to black style preference in my heart but i also love my colours. As i was saying i went back to that for this look and quickly found a older gorgeous release from Tetra.
My issue then was finding a pair of pants to suit and complete my look over all, I found this in the new blueberry pants and chose the leather style to go with the Tetra shirt jacket. Although i regret that i didnt show the pants in all their fine detailed glory, I fully recommend them. They have cute detail hud such as a phone in the back pocket as well as a material pattern for the wallet in the front pocket. Not to mention the ability to turn off the chained belt.
All this combined gave me the exact feel i wanted.
Music of the moment:  Birds Of Tokyo - "Two Of Us"
(Yes another birds of tokyo song, Can you tell they are my favourite band?)

Until Next Time 
XxX Shiny Bubble XxX

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